Images via: Jamba Juice, Puma, Amazon, The CW, Itunes
- What I’m Drinking: Orange Carrot Twist™ (with a twist) – Since Christmas David and I have been getting our vitamin fix by drinking Jamba Juice’s Orange Carrot Twist. We like it so much that we have started making it ourselves at home using our slow juicer. The juice is basically half carrot juice, half orange juice. To kick it up a notch, we add in a shot of freshly juiced ginger. It is so good that I find myself craving it all the time and going through withdrawals on the days I don’t have it.
- What I’m Wearing: Puma Asha Alt 2 Ballet Flats – Puma has created what may be the most comfortable ballet flats of all time with the Asha Alt 2 (I have already amassed three pairs). No joke, I have been wearing these day in and day out and my feet are in love. Check out some of the styles here:
- What I’m Reading: The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson – David told me that I should read Bryson’s book Notes from a Small Island because he loved. Since David typically has good taste in books (and because I always enjoy his recommendations) I decided to download a copy for myself. The only problem was that when I went to download it, I couldn’t remember the title and I mistakenly downloaded this one instead because both covers look distinctively British. Oops, my bad. Fortunately, I have really been enjoying The Mother Tongue so no harm, no foul. It is about how the English language came to be and I have been learning quite a few interesting tidbits. For example, did you know why they call the head of the English Church the Archbishop of Canterbury even though he lives in London? It is because St. Augustine converted King Ethelbert of Kent to Christianity at the king’s capital of Canterbury making Canterbury the birthplace of the English church. Hence the title. See, you learn something new every day!
- What I’m Watching: The Flash – Oh my gosh! I am obsessed. Seriously OBSESSED. I’m a big fan of anything having to do with super heroes and science fiction so I knew this would be right up my alley, but I had no idea just how much I would love it. Big Guy got me hooked and since he was home sick earlier this week, we binge watched all of season 1 and most of season 2. Now I’m seriously debating whether or not to sign up for Hulu just so I can catch up on season 3 because I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. Of course, I’ve been so enthusiastic about the show that now David is eager to watch and I can’t wait to watch it with him! I know, I’m a total nerd, but the cast is fantastic and the writing is amazing. It is just so good. Trust me. Watch it!
- What I’m Listening to: Humble and Kind – Tim McGraw and Blue Ain’t Your Color – Keith Urban – I’ve been having a bit of a country vibe lately so it is a toss up between Tim McGraw’s Humble and Kind and Keith Urban’s Blue Ain’t Your Color.